interim management


As experts in Interim Management, Timeshare Management, and Executive Coaching, we deliver practical and actionable solutions for business leaders lacking the in-house expertise to expedite their company's growth or address pressing issues.

Why we exist

There are three most pressing issues experienced by managers:

  1. Lack of skills or time for business development projects.

  2. Increased efforts due to insufficient seniority or expertise.

  3. Feeling alone in a complex and competitive environment.

our goal

To provide companies with instant access to experienced managers who can immediately contribute to operations in the most flexible way.

our solutions

We bring together professionals with management experience and know-how.

In the face of the increasingly complex situations confronting managers, we offer a range of skills that can be mobilized according to the needs of the moment. Our complementary areas of expertise enable us to address the main issues facing a company:

  • Supporting an executive such as CEO, General Manager, Company Secretary

  • Managing a corporate support department such as CFO, HR Director, DC, DM and IT Director

  • Assisting a support department manager

How It works

Outsource support function with an interim management

Interim management offers SME leaders the flexibility to build their management team in a tailored manner, aligned with the company’s growth and evolving needs. Acting as the right hand of the business leader, the interim manager brings years of managerial experience from large organizations, equipped with extensive expertise and functional skills in project management.

For instance, a part-time human resources director might work one or two days a week to:

  • Develop HR policies

  • Organize or restructure the department

  • Write and post recruitment advertisements

  • Analyze applications and conduct interviews

  • Identify skills and create individual training plans

  • Implement employee retention strategies

  • Manage career development

  • Oversee social relations management

When the company grows enough to hire a full-time HR director, the part-time director can smoothly transition the role. This approach applies to other roles such as financial director, CIO, sales director, export director, purchasing and supply chain director, marketing and communications director, and strategy and organization director.

Our Method

We are dedicated to supporting managers in executing projects or handling complex, temporary, and critical situations vital to their organization's future. Our method is straightforward yet effective:

Initiate the mission by setting an action plan based on identified topics


Monitor and measure progress with the support of a mission director


Conclude the mission by establishing a successor or providing a detailed roadmap


Identify the issues and define company objectives


Develop a profile and propose a suitable manager within 72 hours


Collaborate with the prospective manager to outline the mission


more about interim management

Interim management or interim executive management (IEM) for key functions

The term "Interim Management" highlights the essence of this role: full integration into a company for a specified period, always aligned with pre-defined objectives.

Interim managers are typically seasoned leaders and specialists in key organizational functions (such as General Management, Finance, HR, IT) or specific sectors and issues. These experienced professionals are immediately operational, bringing their expertise to your organization. In urgent situations, the need for swift action is paramount, and our transition management firm sets itself apart by responding quickly to such demands. Historically, the primary use of transition management was in crisis situations (such as leadership deficits, restructuring, or site closures).

Today, transition management encompasses a wider range of scenarios, including strategic projects, performance improvement, rapid growth, digital transformation, and more. Many companies turn to interim management firms for these needs, especially for critical functions like:

  • Executive Management

  • Industrial Management

  • Administrative & Financial Management

  • Human Resources Management

  • Information Systems Management

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